Welcome to the Northern Oesophagogastric Unit (NOGU). We are a specialist centre dealing with oesophageal and stomach cancer, and one of the largest centres in Europe. The surgical team are based at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne. We are home to the Northern Oesophagogastric Cancer Fund and the “Oesophagoose” campaign designed to raise awareness for these two cancers.
Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer are the fifth commonest cause of cancer deaths in the UK. Yet many people do not know what or where the oesophagus (gullet or food pipe) is, or the difference between their stomach and their belly/tummy.
The Northern Region of England together with Scotland have amongst the highest incidences of these cancers in Europe. One of the problems of these cancers is that patients often present late in their clinical course and are not able to be offered a chance of cure. The Northern Oesophago Gastric Unit was developed to treat patients with these cancers and has developed an internationally recognised expertise.

Meet the team
The Northern Oesophago-Gastric Unit (NOGU) is based at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne. Meet members of the team.